The information in the post is not medical advice, please consult a medical professional before using health supplements.
I have been using Bioresonance as a diagnostic tool for over a decade, and in this time have scanned less men than women. Noneless, almost every man that I have scanned (not the younger men) has shown the gene Acetylserotonin Methyltransferase (ASMT) ‘triggered’ in their results, this always shows up in the Prostate and is always associated with an enlarged (but benign) Prostate known as BPH.
Interestingly enough, it does seem to come hand in hand with a varying degree of symptoms of Mental Health problems, such as Bipolar Disorder, Aspergers and Schizophrenia. These disorders also show up in the results of their Bioresonance scans. This sparked an interest for me, and a look into a possible connection between Serotonin and Prostate size has revealed some shocking info, as surely this could help men with this very common but uncomfortable problem, but just as importantly – it may throw some light on the causation behind many Mental Health problems.
Here in an article in, we see that there is indeed a connection between Serotonin (5-HT) and Prostate size, involving something called Androgen Receptors (AR):
In conclusion, our findings suggest that 5-HT is a strong negative regulator of prostate growth through AR down-regulation. As 5-HT is decreased in BPH, we present here evidence that links 5-HT-producing neuroendocrine cell depletion to BPH etiology. Therefore, this new described serotoninergic inhibitory pathway over benign prostatic growth should be explored as a new target for BPH treatment.
Recent studies demonstrated that AR is in fact up-regulated in stroma and epithelium of BPH tissue comparatively to normal prostate….Our findings seem to provide an explanation for this current view about the participation of androgens in the development of BPH. In this way, the loss of neuroendocrine cells and serotonin in prostatic transition zone up-regulates the AR and then permits the development of BPH, even with a decreased plasmatic concentration of androgens observed in the aging male.

Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Melatonin
Recently, it has been found that the pseudoautosomal region 1 of the sex chromosomes is deleted in several cases of ASD. Interestingly, this chromosomal region contains the gene encoding acetylserotonin-O-methyltransferase (ASMT), the last enzyme in the synthesis of melatonin. The ASMT gene has been finally associated with susceptibility for ASD (Melke et al., 2008).
Autistic Spectrum Disorder and the Pineal Gland
Reduced 5-MTP levels are attributed to the defective expression of HIOMT. HIOMT was identified in pineal tissues as the final enzymatic step in melatonin biosynthesis. It catalyzes the conversion of N-acetylserotonin (N-acetyl 5-hydroxytryptamine) to melatonin (N-acetyl 5-methoxytryptamine), and hence it is commonly known as N-acetylserotonin methyltransferase (ASMT).
So is it too much Serotonin or too little Serotonin that is causing the enlargement of the Prostate?:
Serotonin stimulates prostate cancer cell growth via 5-HT receptor 1A, 1B, 2B, and 4 . It has been reported that serotonin receptor antagonists inhibit prostate cancer growth.
So if dampening down Serotonin may shrink the Prostate, does this also mean that those with certain Mental Health Problems have too much Serotonin?
The clue may be in the name Methyltransferase – or Methylation.
It is a known fact that problems with Methylation can cause some Mental Health problems, particularly Hypermethylation, or too much Methylation, which can be associated with Bipolar, Paranoia and certain anxiety disorders.
Overmethylation (Histapenia): Too much methyl (a carbon group with three hydrogen atoms). It is very active in the brain, and too much leads to “too much of a good thing.” This causes an overproduction of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine in the brain. In many cases, high serotonin levels can cause psychological problems including reduced motivation, reduced libido, weight gain, and confusion.

Its no surprise to learn that Hypermethylation can be associated with elevated Serotonin, and so here is where the connection may indeed lie – or, if Serotonin is elevated, is this likely due to an issue with the pineal gland due to its connection to Melatonin as suggested above?
Well the Pineal Gland is also studied when I scan people, and thus far I do see a common theme with high levels of various toxins particularly plastics such as Polystyrene, Polyacrylates, Polyamines, Acrylics etc. This is not the only place where these toxins are found, interestingly they also appear when the software zooms into the Mitochondria and the DNA of the Prostate. Unsurprisingly the Pineal and the Prostate are both endocrine glands and both relate to hormones to there is bound to be a connection.
I suppose that the answer is that the human race has a BIG problem with Toxins in this age, which is in turn causing problems with Methylation, hyper or hypo may depend on our genetic Polymorphisms, but perhaps the real culprit behind all of this mess is the toxicity we are exposed to.
Where exactly are these micro plastics coming from?
Many environmental pollutants can act as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), mimicking the activity of endogenous steroid hormones and interfering in the endocrine functions with different mechanisms. In recent years, particular emphasis was placed on plasticizers, plastic additives, and contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) which includes pharmaceuticals, personal care products, food additives, natural and synthetic hormone and plastic debris in micro and nano range, among the others that are directly or indirectly discharged into to the environment. In this respect, chemicals like phthalates, bisphenols poly- and perfluorinated alkyl substances, among others, are commonly used for the production of daily use goods and are therefore frequently released into the environment as waste. For example, bisphenol A (BPA), a plasticizer used for the synthesis of phenol resins, polyacrylates, polyesters, epoxy resins, and polycarbonate plastics, is used for the production of drink and food packaging, and in case of high temperature exposure or pH variation (e.g., washing in washing machines, food heating into the microwave, contact with acid foods) leaches into wastewater, contaminates foods and beverages, thus representing both ecotoxicological and health risks [4]. Oxidative stress-induced tissue damage and consequent apoptosis, poor gamete quality, developmental abnormalities, neurotoxicity, metabolic disorders or epigenetic changes are some of the direct and in utero exposure effects of EDCs
One particular mans case was interesting as he had worked with resins for most of his life so it came as no surprise to him. We applied a ‘Neutralization’ programme with the Thera Wellness device, using a frequency matched to bisphenol A (PBA) – and inverted this frequency thus attempting to alleviate some of the negative effects of all these plastic toxins. Interestingly the toxic levels did appear to drop lower upon the next scan and also the size of the Prostate according to the last few scan results, has also reduced incrementally. This may need to be repeated for a good while, as sadly the exposure to plastics is constant in our age.
Other ways to reduce plastic exposure is to reduce our use of cosmetics and processed food (wrapped in plastics) and of course to use a good water filter. Some experts believe only reverse osmosis water filters can remove micro plastics, but there are others on the market that claim this can be done also.
Supporting the Endocrine system is crucial. More to come in the next post!
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