Welcome to Waverlywellness blog…

  • The Sunshine Conspiracy

    The Sunshine Conspiracy

    I have recently been undergoing surgeries for basal cell carcinoma on my face, which has been quite distressing. I have found frustrating the blanket assumption from family and medical professionals, that it has been caused by the sun, that the cancer is a consequence of my spending too much time outdoors.

  • My Introduction to Lyme Disease

    My Introduction to Lyme Disease

    The testing system used in the UK is seriously outdated and inaccurate – many people are said to remain undiagnosed because of this system. The true figure of people suffering with Lyme Disease and its many co-infections in the UK is impossible to estimate.

  • The Good Fat and the Ugly

    The Good Fat and the Ugly

    It was a revelation to discover exactly why good fats are crucial to our health, and why bad fats are so damaging.

  • The Gallbladder’s Role in All of This

    The Gallbladder’s Role in All of This

    Ask not ‘what does the gallbladder do for us?’ but ‘what can we do for it?’…..

  • Cancer, Lyme and other diseases – a connection?

    Cancer, Lyme and other diseases – a connection?

    ‘This brought back the underlying element that Lyme Disease and cancer could have in common – fungus’.

  • Relationships and Chronic Illness

    Relationships and Chronic Illness

    Receiving empathy, for someone with a chronic illness, can be like trying to get blood out of a stone. In part, this may be because chronic illnesses can frequently be invisible and, meanwhile, people judge a “book by its cover” – and person by their appearance.

  • Parasites – opening a can of worms

    Parasites – opening a can of worms

    “Parasites are the medical profession’s best kept secret.”

  • Biofilmaker


    More and more people are discovering that they are harboring strange, goop-like substance inside their bodies, and are going to great lengths to get it out. This can be linked to IBS, ulcerative colitis, even Crohn’s disease, and has been given different names. These include ‘mucoid plaque’ and ropeworms’.

  • Lyme and Co. – UK versus USA

    Lyme and Co. – UK versus USA

    The majority of people diagnosed with Lyme Disease in the UK had to obtain their diagnosis outside the UK, in the private sector. The same goes for the treatment. With regards to the diagnosis, the problem is that the testing system used in the UK is outdated and inaccurate.

  • Friends, Romans and Countrymen, lend me your ears…

    Friends, Romans and Countrymen, lend me your ears…

    Welcome… I’m writing in the hope that you may find interest, advice or hope from my discoveries found along the road to health and wellness. There are a few weighty finds: some worth their weight in gold, in fact. I have managed, through years of research and networking, to turn round my health. This blog…

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