Category: Chronic Disease

  • The Swelling Evidence Linking Prostate Enlargement to Mental Health

    The Swelling Evidence Linking Prostate Enlargement to Mental Health

    The information in the post is not medical advice, please consult a medical professional before using health supplements. I have been using Bioresonance as a diagnostic tool for over a decade, and in this time have scanned less men than women. Noneless, almost every man that I have scanned (not the younger men) has shown…

  • On Bioresonance and #Tick-Borne Diseases

    On Bioresonance and #Tick-Borne Diseases

    I am keeping an eye open for the signs of tick borne and bio weaponized disease markers using my new Bioresonance Machine, the Hunter NLS 4025.

  • My Protocol, Biofilm and Me.

    My Protocol, Biofilm and Me.

    It’s been a while since I published my protocol, and seeing as I have found quite the ‘magic combo’ for treating Morgellons and Lyme Disease, I felt it was time…

  • Women and the #Autoimmune Time-bomb.

    Women and the #Autoimmune Time-bomb.

    Last nights free presentation with the Natural Body Cafe on female hormones and the link between oestrogen and Autoimmune conditions hopefully provided some clues and answers to finding health and happiness (and weight loss) and loosing those mood swings! But there is so much more to hormones than we could possibly imagine……..

  • #Fibromyalgia: the 21st century cover up?

    #Fibromyalgia: the 21st century cover up?

    Considering its literal description – ’tissue pain’ – it’s beyond me how the medical profession is still getting away with it. But, yes, Fibromyalgia (FM) is the general label given to the condition suffered by so many people, predominantly women, who have a set of symptoms that their GP can’t or won’t investigate.

  • Relationships and Chronic Illness

    Relationships and Chronic Illness

    Receiving empathy, for someone with a chronic illness, can be like trying to get blood out of a stone. In part, this may be because chronic illnesses can frequently be invisible and, meanwhile, people judge a “book by its cover” – and person by their appearance.

  • Biofilmaker


    More and more people are discovering that they are harboring strange, goop-like substance inside their bodies, and are going to great lengths to get it out. This can be linked to IBS, ulcerative colitis, even Crohn’s disease, and has been given different names. These include ‘mucoid plaque’ and ropeworms’.

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